Monday, February 2, 2009

Business is Booming

Kudos to whoever at All Souls Church in Washington, DC wrote the following words:

"All Souls Church is proud to be one of the bright spots in the current economic crisis. The worse things get on Wall Street, Main Street and every other street, alley, avenue, you name it, the more relevant who we are and what we do becomes to our community. If we were a business, we'd say things are booming. Demand is very high right now - demand for a spiritual safe haven and for comfort during troubling times. Demand for a helping hand to those in need right here in our neighborhood. Demand for things that have real and lasting value and matter in the day-to-day lives of real people."

Great words! So how do we best live it? Would love to see your posted comments on how we make this “real” in each of our congregations.

UUA financial support from our congregations has continued strong despite the economy, with many people prioritizing their giving to their church . The UUA Administration is taking a number of steps to reduce costs though, especially for 2010, when we really start to feel the impacts of the market losses in the endowment. This year we have about $2.2 million in unrestricted operating income from the endowment, with an estimate of that dropping next year to $1.9 million. The GA Planning Committee is also reducing expenses for GA2009 in Salt Lake, though so far not in a way that will reduce the impact and quality of this UUA election year event.

As already reported in PCD Currents, the Board passed the following resolution keeping Annual Program Fund (APF) contributions from congregations at the same level as last year:

Recognizing that the economic recession being felt across the country affects Unitarian Universalist congregations, the lives of their members, and the Association, the UUA Board of Trustees resolves that:

* together we shall seek creative ways of reducing costs while enhancing environmental sustainability, using technology in new ways, and supporting one another through the challenges sure to be ours over the near future

* the Association shall continue to deliver essential services to member congregations and assist them in addressing fiscal challenges, while examining all expenditures and programs carefully for their centrality to our mission.
* we approach these challenges with the spirit of positive reinvention

Further, we will hold the Annual Program Fund Fair Share contribution for fiscal year 2009-2010 at the current rate of $56 per member and hold the percent of budget option for large congregations at the 2008-2009 level.

Next post: Independent Affiliates Revisited (again) (and again)

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